Reimagining Good Soil Partners

Where did the name Good Soil Partners come from? It comes from different verses in the Bible:

Matthew 13:8

"Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop - a hundred, sixty of thirty times what was sown."

Luke 8:15  

"But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."

We desire to be the “Good Soil” for young men & women in Malawi, providing an excellent education, daily necessities like food and housing, training & development, and career guidance. Our vision is to transform them into innovative, well-prepared Christian leaders and entrepreneurs that are successful for generations to come.  When we sat down to truly set this vision into place, we felt that the old logo didn't represent us well. The existing green color provoked a farming/agricultural mindset which was reinforced with the hand holding a growing seed. We wanted a logo that felt intentional. A logo that combined color and design to fully-encompass our core values & mission. For our color choices, we chose blue and orange, as these colors represent stability, inspiration, wisdom, health, creativity, determination, success, and encouragement. We think these color choices fit nicely with our mission & values. The silhouette in the design represents a student who strives to be a change agent and leader reaching for the stars. The full-circle hand represents our full commitment to do whatever it takes to help these young men & women be transformed and successful.  The silhouette of the African Continent represents our desire to expand our influence beyond Malawi, someday God-willing, and that he might use Malawi as a footprint to impact all of Africa.Last but not least, the “T” in Partners represents a cross symbol. This reflects our belief that we are partnering with Christ in this mission and everything that we do will reflect the saving grace we all have received. It will remind us that Good Soil is an organization that trusts our Mighty God to multiply what He has provided - creating thousands of partners all over the world.


My God Shall Supply All Your Needs


Saidi S. Has Graduated College!