Steve’s Barnabus Busters
What would a world look like with zero poverty?
A place where EVERY person has food on their plate, affordable housing, access to fresh, clean water, and ALL their basic needs met for their families?
No more surviving but actual thriving!
Acts 4:36-37 “Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), sold a field he owned, brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.”
Why would he do this? So the message of Christianity could go into the world! He busted the doors open for God’s grace through this act of generosity and encouragement and provided the means for all of us to be part of God’s Kingdom. One man doing one act of generosity with an eternal impact.
MEET SAIDI SMOKE (middle/blue shirt)
He has flourished under the scholarship he received for eight years. Now a Junior Accountant at a reputable accounting firm, his education allowed him to attain the skills necessary to provide for his entire family. They are not just surviving but thriving! Without this opportunity, he would likely be another statistic trapped in the endless poverty cycle.
A Few Statistics
Currently 433 Million people in Africa live below the Global Poverty Line of less than $1.90 Per day. This is estimated to rise to 479 Million by 2030
70% of the World’s Poorest People live in Africa
Malawi ranks # 8 poorest, out of 53 Countries in the African Continent
All is not bleak; opportunities await – Africa has achieved a GDP growth rate in 2021 of 6.9% – higher than world averages including the USA. 60% of this growth was generated by services, Africa is starting to shed its dependence on farming production only.
I’m privileged to witness first-hand many people and families becoming self-sustained. At GSP, we believe in giving people a hand-up, not a hand-out, by showing dignity and respect for people as they help themselves in reaching their potential within God’s given gift & talents. As President of this mission, I will personally make sure every dollar received will be used to multiply impact and attain our ultimate goal.
I need more Barnabas-Busters to join me! Generous people willing to give a substantial gift to change lives and whole countries forever. A gift that will multiply its return on investment and break the cycle of poverty. Our strategy on the ground of educating & empowering young men & women leaders can truly transform a nation and open the door for the Gospel to take root.
Should you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at Schartier@goodsoilpartners.org or by phone at 603-235-5190